New Life Stories in the News
25 September 2024: BH Online - Hopes to strengthen partnerships between multiple Malay/Islamic group
25 September 2024: CNA TV - Rehabilitation effort in Singapore
11 October 2023: BERITA Mediacorp - DETIK Semasa | Cabaran dan Tekad Bekas Pesalah Wanita
16 July 2023: Berita Harian - Penglibatan relawan berbeza agama, kaum dialu-alu Pergas: Ustaz Mizi
18 June 2023: CNA938 Our Town - Love Beyond the Walls: A Father’s Day Special
4 June 2023: Berita Mediacorp - Launch of Love Beyond the Walls: Stories from My Father
4 June 2023: Channel 5 - Launch of Love Beyond the Walls: Stories from My Father
4 June 2023: Channel 8 - Launch of Love Beyond the Walls: Stories from My Father
4 June 2023: Channel News Asia - Launch of Love Beyond the Walls: Stories from My Father
29 May 2023: Channel 5 - New study aims to help social service agencies attract volunteers | Video
29 May 2023: Channel 8 - New study aims to help social service agencies attract volunteers | Video
29 May 2023: Channel U - New study aims to help social service agencies attract volunteers
29 May 2023: CNA938 - New study aims to help social service agencies attract volunteers
29 May 2023: Capital 95.8FM - New study aims to help social service agencies attract volunteers
24 May 2023: The Straits Times - Drop in number of new Malay drug offenders arrested and reoffending in two years
23 April 2023: CNA938 - Our Town with Saleemah Ismail and Volunteer Jiajun Lin
26 September 2022: Sassymama - Where to Volunteer in Singapore: Charities, Welfare Groups & NGOs
8 May 2022: Berita Harian - Jadi 'mata' dan 'telinga' jiran, kesan mangsa dera
21 April 2022: Tatler Singapore - Tatler for Good: Women Empowered
1 December 2021: Republika - Organisasi Melayu/Muslim Singapura Bantu Napi Berbenah
30 November 2021: Lianhe Zaobao - Volunteers help the daughter of an incarcerated out of lonliness
1 September 2021: Oli968 FM - Vanakkam Singai | Family Strengthening Programme by New Life Stories
1 August 2021: Lianhe Wanbao - Single father sells homemade curry puffs to support his son
19 June 2021: The Straits Times - Dads in prison get help to improve ties with their kids
19 June 2021: The Straits Times - Support children and families
30 May 2021: Berita Harian - Peranan keluarga dalam cegah kemungkaran
13 March 2021: Channel 8 News Online - 30 ex-inmates and their children visit the Istana Gardens
13 March 2021: Berita Harian - 28 bekas banduan, anak-anak jelajah taman Istana
25 December 2020: The Straits Times - UOB raises Christmas cheer with 2,000 gifts for children
24 December 2020: The Business Times - UOB brings Christmas cheer to underprivileged children
14 May 2020: The New Paper - Lions coach Yoshida and FAS staff help raise $50k for the needy
13 May 2020: Asean Football - Yoshida and nine FAS senior staff establish the OneStrong Fund
24 December 2019: The Straits Times - Getting a rare hug and kiss from their mums in jail
22 December 2019: The Straits Times - Female inmates write love stories to their kids
18 September 2019: Her World - Women On A Mission: Meet The Woman Who’s Helping Mums In Prison
27 April 2019: The Straits Times - Volunteers help mums in jail read storybooks to their kids
16 March 2017: The Straits Times - Kampung spirit revival as more volunteer informally
18 December 2016: Her mother, aunt, grandparents are ex-cons. Can Aisyah break the cycle?
27 November 2016: The Straits Times - Connecting mums in jail with their kids
31 May 2015: The Straits Times - A believer in love's healing power