Whistleblowing Policy

Policy Objectives and Scope

New Life Stories is committed to a high standard of transparency, integrity, compliance and accountability. The Whistleblowing Policy aims to encourage and enable employees, the public and other stakeholders to report concerns related to illegal, unethical, or unsafe activities in the organization. This policy provides a secure mechanism for reporting and ensures that individuals who raise concerns in good faith are protected from retaliation.

Whistleblowing Concerns

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, and third parties dealing with the company. It covers any concerns about suspected misconduct, including but not limited to:

  • Fraud, corruption, or theft

  • Financial misreporting

  • Health and safety violations

  • Environmental damage

  • Breaches of company policies or codes of conduct

  • Harassment or discrimination

  • Any other unethical, illegal, or improper behaviour

Reporting Channel

If employees or members of the public have cause to suspect serious concerns, a report can be made through the following means. 

All reports received will be channelled to the Board Chairman and Board Director on Governance:

Email: [email protected]
Address: 64 Kallang Bahru, 01-375, Singapore 330064

We encourage all parties who report such irregularities to provide their name and contact details, as appropriate follow-up clarification and investigations may not be able to be carried out if the source of information could not be identified. All concerns and/or identity of the whistle-blower will be treated with strict confidentiality.  

Confidentiality and protection
The identity of the whistleblower will be kept confidential, unless the individual consents to disclosure or if required by law. Anonymous reports will also be accepted and investigated to the extent possible.

Assessment of concerns raised and investigation
On receiving a report, the Board Chairman and the Board Director on Governance shall decide on the severity and authenticity of the concern. When there are issues to be examined, an Investigation Team composed of at least three independent members (not related to the concern reported) will be set up. The whistleblower will be kept informed of the progress of the investigation and, if appropriate, of the final outcome.